Egyptian Magic Cream (118ml) Rp. 300.000
Egyptian Magic Cream (5 ml) Rp. 40.000 [Original Sachet]
Pastikan anda mendapatkan original egyptian magic cream.
Egyptian Magic Cream adalah cream berbahan alami ramuan mesir. dipakai oleh banyak seleb Hollywood, spt Madonna, Kate Hudson, Brooke Shields, dll dan juga recommended by OPRAH.
Kandungan dalam cream ini pun sangat alami dan aman yaitu : Olive oil, beeswax, honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis extract.
manfaat dari masing2 bahan:
1. Olive oil atau Minyak Zaitun
membantu menjaga kelembaban dan menyerap dengan mudah untuk memelihara jauh di bawah permukaan dari kulit.
2.Bees Wax
Kandungannya berfunngsi melembutkan kulit dan mempertahankan kelembaban kulit. Juga sangat ampus sebagai antiseptik dan penyembuhan luka.
Madu sangat bergizi untuk kulit. Ini membantu meremajakan kulit mencegah garis-garis halus dan kerutan
4.Bee Polen/serbuk sari
Membantu regenerasi / merangsang pembaharuan kulit.
5.Royal Jelly
Memperlambat proses penuaan kulit, memberi gizi pada kulit dan mengapus noda wajah serta keriput.
6.Bee Propolis/Ekstrak Propolis
Mempunyai sifat antibakteri dan antimikroba. Membantu proses penyembuhan .
Bisa untuk menyembuhkan luka.
Meskipun kita tidak direkomendasikan untuk luka lama, Egyptian Magic Cream memang dapat bekerja keajaiban untuk menyembuhkan yang relatif baru dan bekas perubahan warna kulit.
EMC populer di antara banyak ahli bedah plastik, yang merekomendasikan hal ini kepada pasien mereka untuk mempercepat penyembuhan luka operasi plastik.
Manfaat Egyptian Magic Cream (MULTI PURPOSE CREAM) :
*melembabkan kulit
*pembersih makeup
*ruam popok
*ruam kulit/ kutu air
*bau kaki
*chicken pox
*stretch marks/ singkayo
*kapalan pd kaki
*perlindungan kelembaban akibat angin dan matahari
*essential oils
*pelembab vagina
*krim vagina
*cold sores
*bibir pecah2
*kulit kering
*gatal2 pd kulit
*kulit pecah2
*kulit busik
*massage lotion
*massage oil
*krim pencukur kaki n wajah
*krim after-shave
*menyembuhkan luka terkena silet pencukur
*kulit kepala kering
*kulit kepala gatal
*penjinak rambut
*perawatan rambut "hot oil"
*jahitan operasi
*iritasi pd kulit
*bopeng wajah dan bekas luka
*Pets / animals: dogs, cats, horses
*membantu mencegah n mengobati strecthmarks stlh melahirkan.
FAQs for Egyptian Magic Hair and Skin Cream:
Why is Egyptian Magic Skin Cream a Multi-Tasking Hall of Fame Product?
EGYPTIAN MAGIC All-Purpose Healing Skin and Hair Cream is featured in September 2003 REAL SIMPLE magazine as the product winner "Multi-tasking Hall of Fame." Entire families including pets have found it beneficial to treat burns, cuts and scrapes, insect bites, dry and itchy skin, chapped lips, sun and wind protection, vaginal and multi-moisturizer, body massages, hemorrhoids, skin fungus, kracked skin, diaper and skin rash, chicken pox, hair cream, and after-shave lotion.
Does Egyptian Magic Skin Cream contain chemicals?
Egyptian Magic Skin Cream is all-natural, non-toxic, and chemical free. It is made in the USA with love combining a special formula of olive oil, bees wax, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and bee propolis.
Is Egyptian Magic Skin Cream affected by temperature?
The beneficial properties of Egyptian Magic are unharmed by temperature change. However, with hot temperatures, the cream melts into a liquid (which is great for massages)and returns to its normal consistency when cooled. Cold temperatures have no effect on it.
Can Egyptian Magic Skin Cream be applied as a facial moisturizer?
Egyptian Magic All-Natural skin cream is a wonderful face moisturizer even for sensitive skin. Simply apply a SMALL amount to face; it will absorb in about 5 minutes to give your skin a radiant and smooth glow. Great as a makeup base. Use Egyptian Magic to remove makeup and moisturize your face each night.
Is Egyptian Magic Skin Cream safe to use on babies?
Yes, Egyptian Magic is chemical and toxin free. With its antibacterial qualities, we have seen wonderful results in clearing up and eliminating diaper rash.
NOTE: Egyptian Magic Skin Cream does contain honey -- thoroughly clean any cream from mother's nipples prior to nursing baby.
Can diabetics use Egyptian Magic Skin Cream?
Many diabetics are successful in healing kracked skin on their feet. The magical healing properties of this natural cream help to keep the diabetic's entire body skin moisturized too as preventive skin care maintenance.
Is there a fragrance to Egyptian Magic Skin Cream?
Most people detect no fragrance; some detect a slight aroma of bees wax and/or honey.
Can Egyptian Magic Skin Cream be used as an after-shave lotion?
Yes, both men and women can use it as a shave and after-shave lotion. Not only does it prevent razor bumps, but also smoothes and moisturizes your skin.
How does Egyptian Magic Skin Cream affect athletes foot fungus and foot odor?
Many persons have used Egyptian Magic to cure their athletes foot fungus. The antibacterial qualities in this wonderful healing cream help to eliminate foot odor and prevent kracking skin. Enjoy a "magical" foot massage to soothe away tired, achy feet.
How is Egyptian Magic Skin Cream beneficial to pets?
Pet owners report using this all-natural healing cream for pet skin care. Because Egyptian Magic is toxin free, it is safe if pets lick an area where the salve is applied. It helps in healing allergic flea bites, burns, cuts and scratches, surgical wounds, animal bites, and wire cuts. Although Egyptian Magic has antibacterial qualities, serious skin openings should be attended by a qualified professional.
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